Monday evening sessions will continue until December 20th. You can book for one or both here: https://www.pebblebeachwriting.com/60-minute-sessions.
Our last Saturday session of the year is an online retreat, 8.30–11am on 18th December. After a warm-up and discussion to set goals, you'll find it doesn't take long to settle into writing. This is great chance to get some new writing down before Christmas.
Booking for January 2022...
FREE SESSION! Want to set down your writing goals for 2022 and get the first words down on paper? Join us for our NEW YEAR WRITING RESOLUTIONS session on Monday 10th January, 7.30–8.30pm. An hour of discussion, planning, tips and actually getting started! Email to book your place.
UNFINISHED AND ABANDONED NOVELS, Saturday15th January, 9.30–11.30am. £22: https://www.pebblebeachwriting.com/saturday-sessions
One-to-one: for shorter pieces of writing you may still be able to book a slot for before Christmas. Otherwise, you can book now for January and February. https://www.pebblebeachwriting.com/one-to-one.
A full programme of sessions for January and February will be announced soon!