Susanna will be teaching a new WRITING A NOVEL course in Brighton from Saturday 5th March.
The venue is the lovely St Augustine's Arts and Events Centre, 15 minutes' walk from Brighton Station or a couple of minutes from London Road Station. It's also on several bus routes. The space we'll be in is a former chapel with a high ceiling. We'll set up the tables so that everyone has plenty of space.
There are also some one-off 3-hour sessions planned for Saturday afternoons, including introductory sessions on fiction and life writing. These will start in March or April and will also take place in Brighton. Sign up for our mailing list if you'd like to hear more about these.
Meanwhile, there are a couple of Monday 60-minute sessions left in the current series. Come along if you want to put pen to paper but would like a bit of input, direction and discussion. Dates and topics for the next series of sessions will be announced very soon.
There will be no online Saturday morning sessions until mid-April when we hope to run sessions on screenwriting and short stories.
Finally, keep an eye out for news of a residential retreat for novelists in late summer or early autumn. This will be aimed at writers who have a novel in progress.
Happy writing!
The Pebble Beach Team